Tuesday, January 21, 2014

CrossFit is for anybody. CrossFit is not for everybody.

I started this post a little over two weeks ago, and now it seems to be even more relevant than when I started. I am VERY passionate about CrossFit, and anybody that knows me would tell you that I am enthusiastic to say the least. With that said I am going to attempt to make as calm a case as I possibly can. (just proof read this, calm didn't work out). I encourage anybody who reads this and takes issue with my stance to please let me know. I welcome all and any who take "issue" with my beliefs to do so, and I promise to answer any and all questions or points directed at me.

CrossFit is FOR anybody. Absolute truth. PERIOD. Young, old (seasoned), conditioned, de-conditioned, man, woman, former athlete, professional couch potato.......BLAH BLAH BLAH, I just deleted a boatload of writing...WHY? Because all one has to do, is Google CrossFit, and start down the rabbit hole. There is already an example/success story out there for ANYBODY you could possibly imagine. Too LAZY to do it, give me an example of ANYBODY who CrossFit would be ill advised, and I will find THE example to prove you wrong. TOO TOO LAZY to do that. SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!

CrossFit is NOT for everybody. I will use Blue Bell ice cream to prove my point illustrating every type of person in the world there is. First, I fucking love Blue Bell ice cream, in my hey day a half gallon might last two sittings........ and a bowl?....forget about it, gimme a spoon bitch, I got this!

Let's break it down, CrossFit is now "Blue Bell" ice cream..... relax it'll make sense. Now I am every bit as passionate about Blue Bell ice cream as I am about CrossFit, and those that know me have heard my enthusiasm for Blue Bell/CrossFit shared whether anyone cared to know or not. Matter of fact to entertain putting any other brand in my freezer will get you a one way ticket outta my life. PERIOD. Here we go......

You tell me that you hate ice cream (fitness). I tell you that you are half an idiot and that's the good half, and immediately stop wasting my time. Ice cream is not for you.

You tell me that all ice cream is the same, so who cares anyways. You are that boring fucker who just goes through the motions trying whatever is around that people offer. YOU are the same person who pretends to be an authority on all ice cream whether you have tried it or not, and the ones you have, you only tried one flavor, or one time in a root beer float (dining at the weight buffet once because you were visiting your cousin for the weekend and he talked you into it). You spend your time discussing what's wrong with different brands of ice cream never really saying anything at all, and how could you, you don't know fucking ice cream...you know what?, typing this has stressed me out. You are worse than the fuckhead who says that they hate ice cream! At least they have a fucking backbone. Go eat some Dippin' Dots (THOSE videos) and stop wasting every one's time, obviously ice cream is not for you.

You tell me, Chuck I love ice cream! I yell out, you damn right, and we high five TOP GUN style. Then you say but Chuck, and I say "Talk to me Goose," and you say, "but Blue Bell is not the best ice cream." I hit eject mother fucker and your ass bounces off the inside of the canopy and you are dead to me!....... Just kidding, but never miss a chance to take a TOP GUN segue too far.

 So, this is where (depending on the situation) we have an intelligent argument about Blue Bell versus your preferred brand, and maybe one of us makes a strong enough case to convince the other to at least "try" the other brand, or maybe not (only one brand for me baby)! But no matter what at the end, we leave with a mutual respect for the others taste, and overall LOVE FOR ICE CREAM! Amen, takes many flavors and brands my friends to make up the ice cream world.

 If you are the sort of person who can only entertain one brand, then we obviously don't have anything to talk about, and I am thankful that you aren't out there fucking up MY ice cream! Go take issue with someone as ignorant as your "there can be only one ice cream" ass, or someone with nothing better to do! I got Blue Bell to eat bitch, and when I'm not eating it, I'm talking about it or getting others stoked about how delicious it is. Do I apologize for this, HELL NO!!! I LOVE BLUE BELL!! And will never allow where I am or who I am around to cause me to hide it, apologize for it, or make excuses for it! I LoVe that cow (Pukie) and wouldn't have it any other way.

Extra Credit!
Now to those that will campaign against my beloved Blue Bell. Get your shit straight. Blue Bell is as safe to eat or safer than any other ice cream out there. PERIOD. Do not confuse the "Brand" with a flavor and then start running around like you are an authority on the brand. Especially when you are not the person who actually tried the "Flavor" in the first place, but in reality you know a guy who has a chiropractor who says he watches people eat Candy Jar Blue Bell as they walk out of the store next to his office that sells it, and that Candy Jar Blue Bell is killing mother fuckers dead EVERY DAY! BLUE BELL MUST BE STOPPED!!!!!! WHAAAAAAAAAATTTT.........FUCK YOU! Think about it, I'm moving on because I got ice cream to eat.

Extra Extra Credit!!
If you have made it this far chances are that you are a BLUE BELL MAN/WOMAN through and through! I LOVE YOU!! I leave it with this one request. Please as you stroll the ice cream isle and find our Beloved Blue Bell, if you happen to see someone who looks unsure or that maybe like they find themselves in the isle for the first time. Say hello and offer a hand to a fellow/potential Blue Bell lover. Takes a lot of guts to take stroll down the ice cream isle period, WE should embrace any and all that stop at BLUE BELL for their "FIX". Also there is nothing wrong with starting out with Homemade Vanilla (it is delicious), sometimes it takes awhile to work up to Candy Jar, or whichever crazy delicious "flavor/s" we love as Blue Bell?CrossFit aficionados.

BOOM!! That just Happened!!!I'm out..................



Friday, January 3, 2014

Happy 1st Birthday Bubba! aka Red aka Bubba Pat Pat aka Bubba Red Bear aka MY SON

 I have said this recently, but the assumption of time is an idiots bet. NOW is the only promise of time given.

Charles Patrick Farr. Born January 3rd

First becoming a father "parent" with my Abbers a year and nine months prior did nothing to lessen the moment. EVERY hope, fear, and joy was being experienced as my little guy came screaming into this world. Delivery this time was much easier....YES I know what I just did here, and yes I realize that is very EASY for me to say....One exception though, with Abby my beautiful tough as nails wife was in active delivery long enough for ME to lose my voice and be physically exhausted only to have the doctor come in and tell us that the baby's heart rate was falling and that they would be performing an emergency cesarean immediately. The team took Molly away leaving me with scrubs to change into and the promise that someone would return shortly to get me. Easily the hardest moment of my life, and the defining moment of faith and not taking time for granted. God carried me that day and provided Molly and I with the cutest most spirited little girl I could ever dream to raise!

I will never forget the doctor coming into our room. Molly resting while I lounged on the super uncomfortable sofa, admiring my swaddle work...I am a swaddle ninja...watching our little guy sleep. The doctor VERY nonchalantly begins to explain that there is a noticeable "sound" when checking his heartbeat with the stethoscope that typically if present at birth goes away very quickly. For our son it had not. As I attempt to remain calm and "strong" I hear none of what the doctor is saying, Molly gets up and sits next to me, I have my hand on her leg and can do nothing but stare at my son, telling myself that I HAVE to maintain composure for my wife. I fill up with emotion that almost explodes and fight it back again and again. I do not remember what was said to bring me back into the moment, but when I do it is to hear that there will be an ultrasound done on his heart to determine the cause of the "sound" and its severity. We are told that someone will be along shortly to get OUR son and take him to have the "procedure" done. Typically the procedure takes about an hour, and when completed someone would bring him back to the room. Not a Fucking chance he would go through that without his parents, and after a promise to allow the tech to do their job with out a peep from papa, off we went. I will tell you that I now a year later can do no justice to the impact of being present had on me. I was asked by the tech (really I was) to soothe my son as she moved him into the positions required to capture the needed images of his heart. I held him in some way the entire time, never taking my eyes off of his. Praying for him to be okay, telling God that I would give ANYTHING for him to be, promising God to protect my family, and praying for the ability to do so no matter the requirement TO DO SO. I was angry that there was nothing I could do to "fix" his potential problem, and terrified that he might have a life of limitations ahead.

The three of us settle back into our room to await the results that we would receive "sometime" this afternoon. Molly is hungry and specifically requests a Freddy's burger and fries. Off I go......the whole trip out for food is surreal, almost like I am watching myself do it. As I pull back into the Women's Center parking lot I breakdown completely. I park and am staring at Park Valley Drive, sitting in the car crying my eyes out, breaking, asking God to please show me why my family must bear yet another burden.....It is a cold Friday, sunny, much like today, around 1pm.....Down the street to my left I see a jogger approaching. As he gets closer I see that he has no arms. As he passes me, I see that he has the bionic man prosthetic legs (and an A&M beanie, of course it's a fucking Aggie). I watch him until he makes the corner and goes left. Thank you Lord!! 

No more tears. This isn't punishment. This is life!! Obstacles become roadblocks only if we allow them to. Adversity has two solutions: acceptance (ride the pine) or a BIG FUCK YOU I GOT A GAME TO WIN!! What game is it? LIFE....Quit and the world will embrace you and the excuses, some might even champion you as a poster child for the embattled or wronged (they get a lot of likes).......or......get dressed, put on your bionic legs and go for a jog motherfuckers...why? Because you can, no matter what the world tells you, because if you stop making excuses or allowing others to make them for you and do the work YOU WILL WIN.

My son has VSD (ventricular septal defect). The hole in his heart has closed substantially since birth, but still remains. The cardiologist says that in all likelihood the hole is small enough that Bubba will never experience any limitations because of it. Thanks DOC, we got this, Bubba will NEVER have any limitations. He will arrive at obstacles along the way, and smash them to pieces if forced to, but he will never once believe that he "can't" do something. I will make sure of it.

Son, my present to you is this:

The rules,
1) Don't Die- stolen from Mark Manning

2) Operate out of LOVE and nothing else. Love is not weak and those that believe it to be will always crumble before it.

3) NEVER through participation or association allow ANYTHING to be done with the sole purpose/intention of hurting others PERIOD.

Remember my boy these are rules and by definition are not to be broken, no matter the consequence. I will always support you no matter my opinion of your choices so long as you follow the rules. I also understand that this requires me to follow them as well PERIOD. I will not fail you, I promise.

My Promise,
I promise to not take away nor allow anyone else to take away your confidence, joy, and willingness to love or dance no matter who is watching. Keep your WAR CRY son and never be ashamed of it.

I promise to not only protect you, but to allow you to take chances as well.

I promise to encourage you to GO BIG! Understanding that with it more times than not, you will FAIL BIG. Anything truly worthwhile will require this ability.

I promise to ALWAYS listen.

I promise to always back you up, so long as you follow the rules.

I promise to discipline you anytime anywhere if you do not follow the rules.

I promise to not preach to you, but instead show you through my own actions what I expect.

I promise to always be a father that you can be proud of. Even when you aren't watching.

I promise that I will ALWAYS LOVE YOU.

Remember this always,
Your Mother is always right. TRUST ME

Love, protect, and trust your sister always, and she will always do the same for you. TRUST ME, the world will want no part of being on her bad side. I will see to that.

If you find yourself amongst those who do not encourage your dreams, they are your enemy and deserve to be treated accordingly. (follow the rules)

Sunshine is precious and should be appreciated. Do not be in the business of wasting it by blowing it up peoples asses. (I take ownership of this ism and it is my gift to you as your first ism)

It is what we do when "things" stop working that defines our character and true abilities.

I am your biggest fan.



Believe in GOD, GOD believes in you

Trust your instincts and that your family will always love you. The rest of the world earns it.

Talk is cheap and people charge a boatload for it. Spend

your money and your time getting it done.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY SON! The truth of it, is that because of your Mother you and your sister have given me more than I could ever give to you, and have often been the teachers and I the student. I know you didn't pick me, but I am honored to be your Father first and foremost, and second your biggest fan for life. Thank you