Thursday, November 14, 2013

Everything I needed to know about life I learned from Badger


3 rounds of:

30 -squat cleans or just plain ol' cleans if you're a dick who has to remind us all that they are just "cleans"

30 -pull ups

800 meter run

Navy Chief Petty Officer Mark Carter
Killed in combat December 11, 2007 at 27 years old. 

Mark enlisted in the Navy upon Highschool graduation knowing that he wanted to be a Navy Seal. His teammates nicknamed him "Badger" after the small but ferocious animal, citing a wrestling match that Mark at 5'5" won against an opponent at 6'5". What resonated with me as I read more and more of what I could find about Mark is that every person who spoke of Mark made a point to say that he was forever upbeat. One teammate telling a story about the two of them out in the ocean very very cold and that he looked over to Mark who was grinning ear to ear and laughing. Others saying that he was the first to charge and always maintained the ability " to find the sunny skies in even the grayest of days."

November 11, 2013 Veterans Day

5:30pm class at CrossFit Liberty Hill

I had gotten word that BADGER would be our WOD in honoring those who have and are serving for Veterans Day. I did a brief background check on the inspiration for the WOD. My day had proven to be a roller coaster of emotions. Sadly if it were not for Facebook I would have not been able to take part in any observance. Business as usual at the office with not one moment given in recognition of Veterans. Having served myself this did not sit well. 

While driving towards the box after leaving the office I began to think about how I could honor those so worthy of our greatest praises. I decided that a good start would be to attack BADGER with my classmates and continue to work as hard as I could until everyone of us finished. You either get it or you don't. 

This was my first time doing BADGER. I was fired up! Even more than usual, imagine that if you know me and were not there. WAR FUCKING CRY!!!! The class attacked this WOD in what I can only describe as THE MOST BEAUTIFUL demonstration of grit and resolve I have ever had the honor in taking part. BADGER is a gut checker!! Grind em' out, trading one practice in misery for the next. It is not a sprint, it's a fight! The class has a focus and intensity that forces you to push. Every single one of my classmates is a bona fide member of the Not Fucking Around Club. I did not want to disappoint any of them. 

I have every conceivable conversation you could imagine with my back feels fucked up......oops there's that ankle flaring up.....stop being such a pussy Chuck.....just do the WOD, that is good enough.......I am on my third "run" grinding out the last 400 meters, I hear the feet behind me, I wave my arm for them to come on, I push to move more quickly, they are getting closer, I push harder, I am going to be passed, the man passes me obviously emptying "the tank" giving all he has in Honor of our Veterans and Mark whether he knew it or not. I am on Fucking Fire!! I push to bring it in now knowing I will work like a mad man until every one of us has finished. Coach comes over to see if I had "finished" as I continue, I nod yes as I grab hold of the bar. I had started BADGER on pull ups because of the class size and was repping them out 5 at a time as classmates came in calling time. As I transition to the SQUAT cleans I realize its just me and one other classmate left. This guy is a beast!! Focused, no bull shit doing work. I don't know where he is in his rep count, I'm SQUAT cleaning 95 pounds one at a time. Jeff turns to head out on his last 800 meter run. I rep out my last two SQUAT cleans and take off to catch my classmate. I fall in just behind and to the right of Jeff. We are both fighting for every step. He begins to slow and I begin to move just ahead, Jeff works to hold my pace. I fucking love this guy!! I begin to slow and now he sets the pace. 400 meters down 400 to go. Nobody is stopping now!! We have brief pep talks as we go, actually pushing ourselves to move more quickly. One step and the next that's all that matters. There is a sharp incline waiting for us to tackle as we finish our run. We attack it in full stride!! There will be nothing left when we bring it in!!! This moment stirs such intense emotion in me as it still does now typing it out that I slow just as we reach the bay door, and slowly turn in along the wall. I cannot look at anyone and keep walking, heading out the other side into the parking lot next door. Physically my body has a euphoric feeling of having been pushed to a seldom visited place. I can not control my breathing, my mind is a million places at family, those who have served, my faith, who I want to be, Jeff and his incredible push to finish just as he started "strong", and I can no longer keep it in check. I take a knee unable to stand any longer and while the tears start to flow I look up at the stars with such a sense of gratitude that I am overflowing!! Thank you Mark Carter. Thank you Jeff. Thank you 5:30pm. I pull myself together and head inside. I scoop up my two year old daughter and hug her tightly. She tells me good job Daddy and kisses me on the cheek as she often does and I begin to well up. My life will NEVER be the same!! I thank those who are left for the inspiration, and my daughter calls out the customary "peace out CrossFit" as we walk out. Jeff and his wife are in the parking lot. I want to give Jeff a huge hug and thank him for what he did for me, as Abbers and I get closer his wife thanks me for going out on that "last run" with her husband. I thank him for pushing me to finish and tell a brief story to his wife of a wild man who attacked a WOD with such ferocity from start to finish that I was honored just to be along for the ride. 

Before I bring this home I want to share this: Jeff's BADGER time was 50 minutes and 27 seconds. I promise you that Jeff would have taken 100 minutes to "finish" what he had started had it been necessary. Jeff did not need anybody to push him, he has that rare ability to push himself. I would not hesitate for a moment to take on any challenge that life in general or CrossFit could present if I could pick Jeff as a teammate! Jeff is that guy or girl in your box that is "straight blue collar" quoting the great Mark Manning. They show up and do the work. They do not complain, they do not grandstand, and if you catch their eye during the WOD they will give you a smile letting you know that there is nothing else in this world they would rather be doing. WAR CRY!!!! We should be so lucky to share a room with Jeff and should take notes every time we do. 

So here is what I learned from BADGER:

A life worth living is worth living for something bigger than yourself. The rewards of working for a bigger picture or higher cause will fulfill us in ways we cannot imagine. Dream big with no limits, make a declaration requiring more of yourself. As the world beats on you and then even begins to rationalize for you the reasoning in coming up short, fall back to whatever it is that is bigger than you!! Dammit if we don't make it, it will not be because we quit!!!! Realize that nothing should be expected, we will have to take everything we want, and because of that we are prepared to work harder than those amongst us. Remember it is not just about you. Love BIG, attack everything in your life with reckless abandon knowing that operating out of Love affords you that right. Remind others through your actions that now is the time because tomorrow is not promised. Be ferocious!! Take issue with any and everything that would hurt others at the drop of a hat anywhere and at anytime with no regard for the consequence. Take opportunities to celebrate those who have sacrificed their freedom to protect ours. Realize though that the biggest way to honor those is to take advantage of those freedoms you have every moment of everyday!! The flip side is the realization being that to squander or waste one moment of making the most of our freedom or opportunities is a slap in the face to everyone who has worked to ensure you have them. Don't be the fake flag waiver a couple days out of the year, just like you hear the adage "don't be a Saturday sinner and a Sunday saint." Honor those worthy each and every day in how we live our daily lives. Lastly and most important to me...Be the person who finds the sunniest of skies in our darkest of moments. 

Now if you find yourself calling bullshit, go back to my account of BADGER. It's all there. And because of it every breath I take is sweeter, I love bigger and for more than just myself, I am done wishing for anything or waiting, and I will honor my family, friends, and those who have given so much not just with a flag or Facebook post, but with how I live my life. 

Thank you Mark Carter " BADGER"

Thank you veterans of past present and future. 

Thank you 5:30pm CrossFit Liberty Hill

Thank you CrossFit. Without you I do not know how I would train to live a life worth living. 

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